[opennms-discuss] Error, Failed to start Opennms server in centos7
2017-07-11 17:05:43 UTC
Please any ideas are useful

View this message in context: http://opennms.530661.n2.nabble.com/Error-Failed-to-start-Opennms-server-in-centos7-tp7595747p7595748.html
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Roskens, Ronald
2017-07-11 18:09:41 UTC
Running "journalctl -l -x -u opennms.service" should give you the full output to see why its failing to start.


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Ronald Roskens
2017-07-13 12:04:44 UTC
Post by Roskens, Ronald
Running "journalctl -l -x -u opennms.service" should give you the full output to see why its failing to start.

Debugging why OpenNMS isn’t starting is going to take a little more effort, and right now we don’t have a whole lot of information to go on. Here are some general ideas to start with, and if you can provide further details we should be able to continue to assist you.

1. Check that all of your xml files are well formed. If you run "/opt/opennms/bin/config-tester -a -v” that should test that OpenNMS can open all files and parse their contents. Another simpler way is to use the “xmllint” command to test each xml file individually.

2. Check the OpenNMS logs under /opt/opennms/logs/. On my RHEL 7 system, this is where they are. If your not on RHEL 7 or a derivative of it, then I’m not sure where the logs would be.

3. Check the manager.log. When OpenNMS starts up, this log contains the startup output for that component. If you don’t see any entries, then you could try changing its logging level in /opt/opennms/etc/log4j2.xml to DEBUG, and then you should see it log information as it cycles through initializing and starting all services.

4. Check the ends of all of the other log files to see if any of them show an error.

Good luck!

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Gerald Vogt
2017-07-11 17:59:38 UTC
Post by javier
Please any ideas are useful
Well, if you expect an answer within 3 minutes, the best idea would be:
patience... -Gerald
Post by javier
View this message in context: http://opennms.530661.n2.nabble.com/Error-Failed-to-start-Opennms-server-in-centos7-tp7595747p7595748.html
Sent from the OpenNMS - discuss mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Gerald Vogt
2017-07-11 17:58:51 UTC
Install R for graphics, yum install R, then reboot the server now I can not
start the service opennms exits the following.
Systemctl status opennms
● opennms.service - OpenNMS server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/opennms.service; disabled; vendor
pre set: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mar 2017-07-11 12:00:07 -05; 11s
Process: 3927 ExecStart = / opt / opennms / bin / opennms -Q start (code =
exited, status = 6)
Jul 11 ​​12:00:07 localhost.localdomain opennms [3927]: The format of the
origin ...
Jul 11 ​​12:00:07 localhost.localdomain opennms [3927]: you modified them
before ...
Jul 11 ​​12:00:07 localhost.localdomain opennms [3927]: Please double-check
that ...
Jul 11 ​​12:00:07 localhost.localdomain opennms [3927]: up-to-date and
delete an ...
Jul 11 ​​12:00:07 localhost.localdomain opennms [3927]: OpenNMS will not
control pr ...
Jul 11 ​​12:00:07 localhost.localdomain opennms [3927]: [FAILED]
Jul 11 ​​12:00:07 localhost.localdomain systemd [1]: Failed to start OpenNMS
be ...
Jul 11 ​​12:00:07 localhost.localdomain systemd [1]: Unit opennms.service
intere ...
Jul 11 ​​12:00:07 localhost.localdomain systemd [1]: opennms.service failed.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
please help.!
Well, read the messages. They tell you why.

Start with the hint at the end to see the full messages. Then read the
opennms messages.


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