[opennms-discuss] Delete Minion
Marc Doesburg
2017-07-04 11:18:51 UTC
Hello All,

How do I delete a Minion? I've deleted the location, the Minion Node, and
the Minion Requisitions... But I'm unable to find the delete button for the

Best regards,
Marc D.

Real is just a matter of perception
David Hustace
2017-07-11 22:15:07 UTC
How do I delete a Minion? I've deleted the location, the Minion Node, and the Minion Requisitions... But I'm unable to find the delete button for the Minion...
Can you delete it from the Manage Minions page?

David Hustace
The OpenNMS Group, Inc.
Marc Doesburg
2017-07-12 09:02:39 UTC
Hi David,

As far as I can see I can only change the filter. I can not find any delete
button or anything like that...
Marc D.

Real is just a matter of perception
Post by Marc Doesburg
How do I delete a Minion? I've deleted the location, the Minion Node,
and the Minion Requisitions... But I'm unable to find the delete button for
the Minion...
Can you delete it from the Manage Minions page?
David Hustace
The OpenNMS Group, Inc.
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