[opennms-discuss] Outage entry missing for a nodeDown event
Ronald Osure
2017-06-20 07:42:22 UTC

I am noting a strange occurrence on our OpenNMS installation. We are on
version 18.0.2-1. We monitor many nodes (hundreds).

We have a node which went down on 12th June 2017 and the corresponding
nodeDown event was created as well as the alarm. The node is still down
as at writing. The problem is that there was no outage generated (no
entry in outages table) for this event and even the node view page on
openNMS shows no outages in the outages section.

What could be the cause of this? Everything else is working just fine.


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David Hustace
2017-06-20 13:06:42 UTC
Post by Ronald Osure
What could be the cause of this? Everything else is working just fine.
I would check the poller log for the date and time the event was created and see if there were any *Exceptions* caught during the creation of the outage.


David Hustace
The OpenNMS Group, Inc.
Ronald Osure
2017-06-21 11:46:10 UTC
Hi David,

I am looking at the poller log and there's no exception raised on that date.
Post by David Hustace
Post by Ronald Osure
What could be the cause of this? Everything else is working just fine.
I would check the poller log for the date and time the event was created and see if there were any *Exceptions* caught during the creation of the outage.
David Hustace
The OpenNMS Group, Inc.
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