[opennms-discuss] new guy having trouble with a new install
Elmore, Trae [USA]
2017-07-13 20:59:06 UTC

Discovery does not appear to gather any snmpv3 interfaces or information.

Platform: RHEL 7.3 on a VMware vm running open-vm-tools. VNIC is VMXNET3. Java is Oracle (build 1.8.0_131-b31). Postgres is 9.6. opennms is Horizon

The nodes are configured for snmpv3 using SHA and AES.

The range for the vlan, the security name, the auth-passphrase and the privacy-passphrase are all correct in /opt/opennms/etc/snmp-config.xml.

From the opennms server using snmpwalk at the commandline, I can hit the clients fine.

When I discovery completes none of the nodes show up as snmp interfaces.

I am confident my ignorance of this tool is the problem, but I would sure appreciate some guidance.

Kirk Reeves
2017-07-18 19:19:53 UTC

When I usually see something like this I like to use tcpdump and sniff
the discovery. Obviously with v3 the contents will be hidden, but it
definitely will show if SNMP disovery is occuring and if it using snmpv3.

Hope that the helps.

Post by Elmore, Trae [USA]
Discovery does not appear to gather any snmpv3 interfaces or information.
Platform: RHEL 7.3 on a VMware vm running open-vm-tools. VNIC is VMXNET3.
Java is Oracle (build 1.8.0_131-b31). Postgres is 9.6. opennms is Horizon
The nodes are configured for snmpv3 using SHA and AES.
The range for the vlan, the security name, the auth-passphrase and the
privacy-passphrase are all correct in /opt/opennms/etc/snmp-config.xml.
From the opennms server using snmpwalk at the commandline, I can hit the clients fine.
When I discovery completes none of the nodes show up as snmp interfaces.
I am confident my ignorance of this tool is the problem, but I would sure
appreciate some guidance.
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