[opennms-discuss] opennms.service monitoring
2017-07-11 07:00:40 UTC
Hello all.

I have 2 openNMS servers for different applications and i want to add IP of
one openNMS in other openNMS server and vice versa for monitoring of both
openNMS servers.

I have done this part successfuly and it picked the ICMP and SSH monitors
automatically but i want to monitor opennms.service so that it can inform me
when web UI of openNMS is down.

I have added the monitor but this is not working

<service name="OpenNMS-WebUI" interval="60000" user-defined="false"
<parameter key="retry" value="1" />
<parameter key="timeout" value="3000" />
<parameter key="port" value="8980" />
<parameter key="url" value="/" />
<parameter key="match-all" value="true"/>
<parameter key="thresholding-enabled" value="true"/>
<parameter key="rrd-repository"
value="/opt/opennms/share/rrd/response" />
<parameter key="rrd-base-name" value="opennms-webui" />
<parameter key="ds-name" value="opennms-webui" />


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David Hustace
2017-07-11 17:54:18 UTC
Post by saqib
I have added the monitor but this is not working
<service name="OpenNMS-WebUI" interval="60000" user-defined="false"
Have you provisioned that service on the nodes you want to monitor?

David Hustace
The OpenNMS Group, Inc.
2017-07-12 05:17:11 UTC
Yes i have done it and openNMS picks up the service but when i stop my
openNMS, it does not show the service down status although service has been

View this message in context: http://opennms.530661.n2.nabble.com/opennms-service-monitoring-tp7595746p7595760.html
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