[opennms-discuss] OpenNMS Disk Percentage graph showed incorrect value
2017-06-28 05:56:28 UTC
Dear Dude,

we are using OpenNMS Version: 19.0.1 & 20.0.0

We have tested the disk percentage graph for operation system : Windows &
Linux (Fedora core) server, the disk percentage graph shows the accurate

Other Operating system : Ubunthu 16.0.4 LTS & FreeBSD.The disk Percentage
graph showing incorrect value. Attached snapshot for your reference

I need your valuable suggestion to fix this issue
*Warm Regards,Yusufdeen*
Graeme Fowler
2017-06-28 12:35:19 UTC
On UNIX-derived systems, some filesystems are created by default with a percentage of space reserved for the root user.

'df' reports available space *excluding* that percentage.

OpenNMS calculates usage from the size of the filesystem and the blocks reported as in use - excluding the 5%, as the SNMP daemon usually reports values exclusive of that.

If you look at your numbers for 'available' and 'used' in the output from df, they do not add up to the total number of blocks. In your case, the raw maths on blocks comes out to 71% used, 21% available - yet df says 78% used.


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