[opennms-discuss] Cisco Distributed CPU / NMS-8484
Gianpietro Lavado
2017-07-02 22:28:59 UTC

Has anyone achieved these kind of collection while showing card names
(entPhysicalName) and automatically dealing with arbitrary indexes?

For distributed memory, NMS-8484 enhancement does the trick, since both
statistics and names tables use the same index some how:

<resourceType name="entPhysicalEntry" label="Cisco Physical Entity"
resourceLabel="${entPhysicalName} (index ${index})">
class="org.opennms.netmgt.collection.support.PersistAllSelectorStrategy" />
class="org.opennms.netmgt.collection.support.IndexStorageStrategy" />

<resourceType name="cempMemPoolEntry" label="Cisco XR Memory Pool"
resourceLabel="Card ${entPhysicalName} Pool ${poolNumber} (index ${index})">
<parameter key="match-expression" value="(#poolNumber = '1')" />
class="org.opennms.netmgt.collection.support.IndexStorageStrategy" />

<group name="entPhysicalTable" ifType="all">
<mibObj oid="." instance="entPhysicalEntry"
alias="entPhysicalName" type="string" />

<group name="cempMemPoolTable" ifType="all">
<mibObj oid="."
instance="cempMemPoolEntry" alias="cempMemPoolHCU" type="Gauge32" />
<mibObj oid="."
instance="cempMemPoolEntry" alias="cempMemPoolHCF" type="Gauge32" />
<property instance="cempMemPoolEntry" alias="entPhysicalName">
<parameter key="source-type" value="entPhysicalEntry" />
<parameter key="source-alias" value="entPhysicalName" />
<parameter key="index-pattern" value="^(.+)\.\d+$" />
<property instance="cempMemPoolEntry" alias="poolNumber"
<parameter key="index-pattern" value="^.+\.(\d+)$" />

However, when it comes to distributed CPU, *entPhysicalName* uses
*cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex* as its index, so statistics and names tables do
not share the same index. There is a proposed enhancement in NMS-8484 that
could deal with this through a class called
"org.opennms.netmgt.collectd.ColumnPropertyExtender", but it seems it was
never merged.
I was trying to apply the same strategy as above, but grabbing the
entPhysicalName from the *value* of cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex, like this:

<group name="cpmCPUTotalTable" ifType="all">
<mibObj oid="."
instance="cpmCPUTotalEntry" alias="cpmCPUTotal5" type="Gauge32" />
<mibObj oid="."
instance="cpmCPUTotalEntry" alias="cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex" type="string"
<property instance="cpmCPUTotalEntry" alias="entPhysicalName"*
* <parameter key="column-index" value="cpmCPUTotalPhysicalIndex" />*
<parameter key="source-type" value="entPhysicalEntry" />
<parameter key="source-alias" value="entPhysicalName" />

Any ideas?


I would really appreciate any pointer to solving this kind of issue.