[opennms-discuss] SNMP collection with Arbitrary Indexes
Aaron Scamehorn
2017-07-17 19:54:24 UTC
Hi Aall,

We’ve got some Raritan PDU devices for which I’m not sure how to setup SNMP data collection. The MIB has arbitrary indexes (for the outlets on the device).

However, in this case, the label’s for each device are not indexed the same, and the OIDs for for the data in question has constants after the indexed dportion.

Here is an example:

The labels I get; they look like the standard arbitrary index examples:

outletLabel.1.1 = STRING: 1
outletLabel.1.2 = STRING: 2
outletLabel.1.3 = STRING: 3
. = STRING: 1
. = STRING: 2
. = STRING: 3

Each OID that I want to collect (rmsCurrent, rmsVoltage, activPower, etc) are below:

PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.1.rmsCurrent = Gauge32: 0 (amp)
PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.2.rmsCurrent = Gauge32: 0 (amp)
PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.3.rmsCurrent = Gauge32: 0 (amp)
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0

PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.1.rmsVoltage = Gauge32: 206 (volt)
PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.2.rmsVoltage = Gauge32: 206 (volt)
PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.3.rmsVoltage = Gauge32: 206 (volt)
. = Gauge32: 206
. = Gauge32: 206
. = Gauge32: 206

PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.1.activePower = Gauge32: 0 (watt)
PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.2.activePower = Gauge32: 0 (watt)
PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.3.activePower = Gauge32: 0 (watt)
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0

PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.1.apparentPower = Gauge32: 0 (voltamp)
PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.2.apparentPower = Gauge32: 0 (voltamp)
PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.3.apparentPower = Gauge32: 0 (voltamp)
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0

PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.1.activeEnergy = Gauge32: 0 (wattHour)
PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.2.activeEnergy = Gauge32: 0 (wattHour)
PDU2-MIB::measurementsOutletSensorValue.1.3.activeEnergy = Gauge32: 0 (wattHour)
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0

How would I go about collecting this data?

Attached is the MIB.

